29 June, 2020

Elcomsoft Certified: Digital Forensics Trainings and Trainer Certification Programs

Elcomsoft Co.Ltd. announces partner certification and end-user training programs in the fields of computer and mobile forensics. ElcomSoft’s partner trainings and the newly announced certification program will allow the company’s regional partners deliver additional value to their customers by launching localized, ElcomSoft-approved educational programs.

The new training course targets Elcomsoft partners who wish to establish educational programs for their end-users. Elcomsoft will supply the required software licenses and materials to help partners develops teaching skills necessary to educate others on how to cope with encryption and password protection, handle digital evidence and extract information from mobile devices and cloud services. The Trainer Certification program enables partners to independently conduct trainings on behalf of ElcomSoft.

Elcomsoft Trainer Certification Program

Elcomsoft provides a certification program for those who want to become a trainer. Courses for ‘Elcomsoft Certified iOS and Cloud Forensics Trainer’ and ‘Elcomsoft Certified Data Decryption and Password Recovery Trainer’ qualifications are available. During these courses, trainers will obtain the knowledge and skills required to use ElcomSoft software and gain the necessary abilities to convey that knowledge to their customers.

By taking part in our trainer’s training and receiving the Certified Trainer status from Elcomsoft, partners will be able to teach and certify clients, adding value to their current offerings. Elcomsoft will provide the required software licenses and support materials necessary for the classes, including student assignments and trainers-only materials.

More information about the Elcomsoft Certified program at https://www.elcomsoft.com/trainer_certification.html

Elcomsoft End-User Training Programs

In today’s complex world, an investigation is more than connecting the device to the computer and launching one or more forensic tools. Deep knowledge and overall understanding of the correct forensic workflow are required for a successful investigation. We teach students the fundamentals of computer forensics, conveying the entire forensic workflow to help increase the success rate. After taking the course, students will understand the available acquisition options, and will be able to collect the largest set of evidence accessible under given circumstances.

More about Elcomsoft end-user training programs at https://www.elcomsoft.com/elcomsoft_trainings.html

About Elcomsoft Co. Ltd.

Founded in 1990, Elcomsoft Co.Ltd. is a global industry-acknowledged expert in computer and mobile forensics providing tools, training, and consulting services to law enforcement, forensics, financial and intelligence agencies.


Elcomsoft s.r.o.

Československé armády 371/11,
Praha 6-Bubeneč,
Czech Republic, PSČ 160 00

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